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Maintaining optimum oral health is of paramount importance, and the role of dental crowns cannot be underestimated. These tooth-shaped caps are placed over damaged teeth, offering protection, strength, and an improved appearance. However, dental crowns can also break, which may compromise their functionality and the overall well-being of your teeth. That’s why it is crucial to replace a broken dental crown in an English dental practice that offers free clinical assessments and treatment for gum disease.

The Consequences of Neglecting a Broken Dental Crown:
When a dental crown breaks, it exposes the underlying tooth to various risks. Firstly, the damaged tooth becomes vulnerable to further decay, as the protective outer layer is compromised. This can result in increased sensitivity, pain, and, ultimately, the potential for tooth loss. Secondly, a broken crown affects the alignment and balance within the mouth, which can lead to bite issues, jaw pain, or even temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ). Lastly, the aesthetic aspect of a broken crown can significantly impact confidence and self-esteem, as it disrupts the uniformity of your smile.

Gum Disease Treatment:
At Ora dental, we offer free clinical assessments to access the appropriate treatment plan needed for your individual smile. These assessments involve a comprehensive examination of your oral health, including a careful inspection of the damaged crown and the surrounding gums. If necessary, the dental professionals will recommend replacing the broken crown to protect your tooth and prevent any future complications.

Moreover, our free clinical assessment may also enable you to address any accompanying gum disease concerns. Experienced clinicians will assess the condition of your gums, offering tailored treatment options to restore their health. Gum disease, if left untreated, can cause pain, tooth loss, and even lead to systemic health issues. By accessing our free clinical assessment, you can ensure that both your crown and gums are well cared for, promoting overall oral well-being.

The Benefits of Replacing a Broken Dental Crown:
Replacing a broken dental crown boasts several advantages. Firstly, it restores the functionality of the damaged tooth, allowing you to chew and speak without discomfort or difficulty. Secondly, a newly placed crown helps to protect the underlying tooth from further damage or decay, preventing the need for more complex and costly treatments in the future. Thirdly, the aesthetic restoration provided by replacing a broken crown revitalises your smile, boosting your confidence and self-esteem.

Maintaining a healthy smile is a priority for everyone. When faced with a broken dental crown, seeking the prompt treatment we offer at Ora Dental is crucial. By visiting Ora Dental, you can address both your broken crown on the same day and therefore not have to wait with a temporary crown! We have a state of the starts laboratory in house.

Do not delay and book in for your free clinical assessment today!